The Nova Wiki

General information[]

Just like the first index, the second is a small index if its army is put aside. The second Index is the first voice of the Nova.


Institutional functions[]

Uncompromising and reckless, they are known to be iron fist that hit the table when negotiations are not going as planed.

Military functions[]

The second army is the spear head of the Novan army, it has the fastest deployment rate of the Nova. Equipped for high intensities but short duration actions over long distance, they often inflict most of time the heavy, first blow to enemies at war with the Nova. They are part of the Novans dissuasion forces because of that.

The blood-thorns operations is, despite its name, the oldest Drazen Knight Order. They are directly under the command of the 2nd Commander of the Nova. With a near infinite reach, they are ready, willing and able to achieve their missions even in the worst conditions and within the most secured strongholds. They are the perfect textbook case in military training for their appearance and action staging, with the purpose to increase the psychological impact on their targets. Their mantra is the twelfth line of the Drazen knight code : "XII - You will always be ferocious in combat and act to strike fear in your enemy’s hearts and minds." They are also part of the Novans dissuasion forces because of that.

Public image[]

The second index has one of the less bright but neutral image within the Nova and one of the worst within other factions:

- Its commander is also the spokesperson of the Nova in both inner and outer affairs, thus often putting the index in the light. His figure is considered as immoral and dangerous by foreign powers. Yet, while some of his actions are seen ambiguous even within the nova, he his considered unyielding and as someone that do what must be done for to secure the Nova's interests.

- The blood-thorns operatives is often seen as a higher threat than the second army while they are both used as deterrents during negotiations.

- The blood thorns Order is considered one of the and strongest knight order but has a terrific reputation, raising fear more than respect, even in novan's hearts. At the image of their Index's head, they have an ambiguous record, getting their hands dirty for the Nova's sake. Aggressive and violent, they are known to be reckless in combat and not attaching much importance to the Drazen code beside "You will always do what must be done to accomplish your mission" that is most of the time their justification for all the barbarous acts that are reproached to them.
