The Nova Wiki


"Biotech" with the meaning of biological technologies is a term use by Novans to describe the various biological way an organism can achieve a similar action or function. With the example of muscle fibers, the volume strength ratio, density, metabolism, endurance, resistance and other characteristic will help to characterize a certain biotech.

Striated muscle fibers (Voluntary movements) , smooth muscle fibers (involuntary movements) and branched muscle (cardiac) fibers have 3 different functions, not biotechs.

For example, most hydro based species have for their striated muscles a few different biotech such has:

- Oxidative muscles, slow twitch, low strength, very high endurance (Run 5 kilometers).

- Glycotic muscles, Fastest twitch, Highest strength but "single burst" low endurance (50 meters sprint).

- Oxidative-Glycolytic muscles, Fast twitch, High strength and medium endurance (Run half a kilometer).

We'll talk of "O", "G", "OG" muscle biotech but it will often be precised the specie owning those biotech, indeed, their metabolic needs could change their fiber's specific properties.
